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Jul 31, 2023

Cost continues to be an ongoing challenge as we work with P&C carriers. But the role of the agent is extremely important and we are continuing to learn about the role of the agent as technology and insurance become more closely aligned. Listen to ongoing challenges and opportunities HSB is seeing within technology and...

Jul 14, 2023

Carriers are waking up and taking notice to the impact and cost of electrical fires to personal lines coverage. While Ting can’t prevent all fires, it can see about 80 - 85% of potential home fires. Hear how Ting continue to provide unique insights within the home and how HSB continues to see ongoing success with the...

Jul 7, 2023

Fiona’s love of kickboxing made her a popular and well-paid influencer on social media. Hear how cyber insurance helps her fight back when she discovers cybercriminals have taken over all her online accounts, threatening to destroy all she...

Jul 5, 2023

In 2022 there were over 18 separate weather disasters that resulted in over one billion dollars in insurance losses. HSB’s sensor program has proven to alert and minimize risk to policyholders – saving insureds and P&C carries significant dollars.  Hear how HSB continues to learn new insights that are bringing...